Bike crashes can be scary and result in life-changing consequences. If you are unfortunate enough to experience a bike crash, especially one involving a car, there are necessary actions you have to take immediately following the accident. What you do or don’t do right after your accident can massively impact how much you recover for injuries sustained and damages to your bike. Your actions may also alter the outcome of potential lawsuits involving your accident. Don’t panic. An expert personal injury lawyer deer park ny of Mandler & Sieger, LLP Attorneys At Law, have the knowledge needed to ensure a favorable outcome post bike crash. Here are some of the necessary steps to take immediately following a bike crash:
Wait For The Police to Arrive
Aside from the obvious of waiting for police assistance regarding injuries that may need immediate attention depending on the severity of the crash, police intervention is necessary for several reasons. The police must file a police report. A proper account of the timeline of events and all participating parties needs to be established in case any accident requires further litigation to settle. If you leave the scene of an accident without establishing a report from the police, you may never be able to identify the driver who was at fault for the accident.
Police are necessary intermediaries between drivers involved. Too often, without police intervention, official accounts of the causes of the accident and blame accepted by parties get manipulated in future environments.
Injuries reported may also be manipulated in further instances without a proper police report. In many cases, injuries may remain latent for an extended period and become prevalent only later on. The police report allows you to make claims, including insurance for injuries resulting from your documented accident.
For insurance purposes, police might also issue tickets due to the accident. These tickets issued may prove vital to settling cases with insurance companies.
Document Everything For Our Personal Injury Lawyer Deer Park NY!
It’s necessary to try and remember as much as you possibly can about the accident. How it happened, why it happened, what was happening at the time of the accident, who was around to see it, etc. You should write down this information to retain it for use at a further date.
Seek medical attention. Even if the injuries seem minor, you must consult with a doctor because often, injuries from accidents only become severe later. The act of you seeking medical attention following an accident will serve as proof of injury. Medical records will be created about the injury, which can prove useful at a future date. It is very difficult to claim an accident caused your injury to insurance companies without extensive medical documentation that is best obtained in concurrence with your accident date.
Preserve All Evidence of The Crash
Leave all equipment in your possession at the time of the accident untouched after the crash. This includes your bike, helmet, clothes, and anything and everything involved in the event. It would be best if you did not look to have any of your things inspected or fixed until you have documented photographs showing the damage sustained. Have everything investigated by your attorney.
Consult a Personal Injury Attorney
Crashes spawn legal issues that only seem to grow as time goes on. Get ahead of the potential legal battles and consult with a personal injury attorney as soon as able. These attorneys can advise you on your next steps, represent you in any lawsuits, and most importantly, negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf. Insurance companies will use everything you say against you in your case, so if you are not careful or know what not to say, you can negatively impact your claims. A personal lawyer injury deer park ny, like the ones of Mandler & Sieger, LLP Attorneys At Law, will be able to ensure only positive communication with insurance companies.
Contact Mandler & Sieger, Personal Injury Lawyer Deer Park NY!
Bike crashes must be taken seriously and handled properly to save you from years of complications following the accident. The experts at Mandler & Sieger, LLP Attorneys At Law, are available to consult with you concerning your accident today! Discover how our team can help with your case today!