Even if they are minor, car accidents are an unfortunate part of life and can occur quite often. A car accident can be a scary experience, and hopefully, you will never be involved in a car crash. However, if you are interested in a car accident, there are some important steps that you can take. If you require assistance, Mandler & Sieger, LLP, are here to help. Mandler & Sieger, melville truck accident attorney, handles various motor vehicle accidents.
Make sure that everyone is safe to make sure that you get the insurance claim process started and to follow the law. If an injury is involved in a minor or major car accident, it is even more important that you know what to do and what not to do if you get yourself into a car accident. Especially if they involve personal injuries, such as automobiles, buses, bicycles, trucks, and pedestrians. If you or a family member has been involved in an accident and are injured. As a result, the office of Mandler & Sieger can assist you.
What To Do After a Car Accident
After a car accident, no matter who is at fault, the process of dealing with such an accident can seem daunting. It is important to know what decisions you need to make at the car accident scene. Also, to prevent further dangers to you or others that may be involved. To find out more about what to do after a car accident, click here. Some of the steps that should be taken after a car accident are as follows:
Melville Truck Accident Attorney
- Stay at the Scene: Even if the accident is minor with no injuries, do not ever leave the scene of the accident. If someone is injured at the scene or even killed, you can face serious criminal penalties for leaving the scene if it is not appropriate to do so.
- Help: Before assessing any damage done to the vehicles involved at the scene, stay calm. Also,check on all drivers and passengers, including yourself, that are involved in the accident and make sure they are ok. If someone is injured, notify the police immediately and wait for help.
- Exchange information: Copy down all basic information of the driver(s) involved. Take down their name, address, insurance information, drivers’ license number, license plate number, other vehicle information, registration, etc.
Mandler & Sieger
- Notify Your Insurance: Contact your insurance company as soon as you can. Also, explain everything that happened and the extent of your injuries, if any.
- Document the Accident: Photos should be taken to document the accident. A report of the incident is accurate, and this can help support your claim with your insurance. Once the police arrive, take note of the name and badge number of the responding officer(s). Also, get a copy of the police’s incident report and write down any names of witnesses that may be involved.
- Start the Claims Process: Once you’ve notified your insurance company about the accident, they should tell you everything they will need to process your claim. You must make sure that you get everything entitled to under state law and your policy.
You may have many questions that you want the answers to if you are involved in a motor vehicle accident. Mandler and Sieger, melville truck accident attorney, have the answers and take all of the necessary steps to help you get the maximum compensation you deserve for your injuries.
Mandler & Sieger – Melville Truck Accident Attorney
Unfortunately, car accidents are everyday occurrences. If the accident is more than just a “fender bender” that can usually be handled without a lawyer, you may need professional legal assistance. There are many things to consider in a motor vehicle accident case. Any car accident-related injuries and how to navigate insurance or civil court claims for such injuries, looking at vehicle damage, settlement information, car accident liabilities, and so much more. Mandler & Sieger, melville truck accident attorney, covers a range of motor vehicle accident cases and provides you with the legal expertise you need. Our lawyers at Mandler & Sieger want to put you at ease. We can answer any questions you may have regarding your accident. Call us today, and we’ll handle it all for you.
The Leading Cause of Vehicle Accidents

Drivers make poor decisions when they are fatigued, distracted, upset or impaired with alcohol or drugs . Because drivers must limit the number of distractions inside their vehicles while driving, many people turn to their phones. However, talking on a cell phone can increase twofold your risk of an accident. For commercial truck drivers, using a phone is even more critical because they are often in charge of the lives of their passengers and others on the roadways. Contact Mandler & Sieger, our melville truck accident attorney today for your injuries!
What Is The Leading Cause of Vehicle Accidents?
The leading cause of vehicle accidents is human error. Because drivers must limit the number of distractions inside their vehicles while driving, many people turn to their phones. Unfortunately, talking on a cell phone can increase your risk of an accident twofold. For commercial truck drivers, using a phone is even more critical because they are often in charge of the lives of their passengers and others on the roadways.
Precautions To Take While Driving
However, talking on a cell phone can increase your risk of an accident twofold. For commercial truck drivers, using a phone is even more critical because they are often in charge of the lives of their passengers and others on the roadways. What is the leading cause of vehicle accidents? The leading cause of vehicle accidents is human error.
Mandler & Sieger – Melville Truck Accident Attorney
Keep your eyes on the road. Nothing can be more distracting than looking down at your phone while you are driving. It takes only seconds for an accident to happen if you become distracted by using a phone. What is the leading cause of vehicle accidents? The leading cause of vehicle accidents is human error. Speaking on a cell phone can decrease your concentration and reaction time while driving, putting you and others at risk for causing an accident. Our melville truck accident attorney can help you out with your case. Contact Mandler & Sieger, today!
Why You Should An Accident Attorney

It is important to hire an experienced attorney after any type of accident. Since you will be dealing with another party’s insurance company, your lawyer can act as the buffer to ensure that you receive full compensation for your injuries. Without legal representation, it may be difficult to get the settlement that knowledge about hiring and deserve.
Many people are still under the impression that they should not hire an attorney after a car accident. Instead, they try to negotiate their case themselves. This can be detrimental because you are up against an insurance company that has more money and manpower than most individuals. Hiring an experienced attorney can help you seek full compensation for your injuries, which may decrease over time. It is very important to hire legal representation if you want to ensure that you receive everything that you deserve after an accident.
Melville Truck Accident Attorney
After a car accident, you want to make sure that all your medical bills are taken care of. The responsible party takes full responsibility for what happened. Your attorney can help you seek full compensation from the at-fault party. Also, we will ensure that all your medical bills are paid and that they can also help you receive compensation for any other losses, such as lost wages.
Do not put yourself at risk by trying to negotiate your case with the insurance company on your own after a car accident. It is important to hire a lawyer to ensure that you have the best chance of receiving full compensation for your injuries.
Hiring legal representation ensures that you will be able to get compensated for all your losses, such as medical bills and loss of wages, after a car accident. We will ensure that you are able to have the best chance of receiving full compensation for your losses. It can be very difficult to try and negotiate with an insurance company on your own, which is why you should hire a lawyer to advocate for your best interests.
Contact Mandler & Sieger Today!
Many people believe that they shouldn’t hire legal representation after a car accident. But, without a lawyer, you may not receive full compensation for your losses. After a car accident, it is important to hire an attorney. This is to ensure that you have the best chance of receiving full compensation for your injuries and other losses. Without legal representation, it can be difficult, if not impossible, too. Contact Mandler & Sieger, our melville truck accident attorney today for your injuries!
How is Fault Determined in Car Accidents?

The last thing you need in your hectic daily life is a car accident. The aftermath of a car accident often leads to a complicated legal process. If you’ve been involved in a serious car accident, you may be wondering what steps you should be taking to build your claim and protect your rights. Our melville truck accident attorney at Mandler & Sieger, LLP has provided quality legal representation since 1990. A car accident can feel like a nightmare, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Our team would like to share some information to help break down how fault is determined in car accidents and how our firm will fight for you.
New York is a No-Fault State
New York is a no-fault state, and in no-fault states, you can seek compensation for your car accident by filing a first-party claim with your insurance company. Under these rules, you can’t pursue compensation by filing a third-party claim. You will need to rely on your own insurance coverage to recover financial losses up to your policy’s limit. You can only step outside the state’s no-fault system under certain circumstances. In order to go past a no-fault claim and bring your claim directly against the at-fault party, your injuries will need to surpass the serious injury threshold. The conditions in this category include:
- Death
- Fracture
- Disfigurement
- Loss of organ or bodily function
- Dismemberment
Determining Fault
Finding the at-fault party after an accident is crucial because they will be responsible for paying the resulting damages. When a driver fails to follow the rules of the road, determining negligence is relatively straightforward. In some cases, determining fault can be unclear. If you have concerns about your claim, it’s best to consult with a melville truck accident attorney for help. Law enforcement, insurance companies, and the courts will use evidence from the accident to determine the at-fault party. Some of the things these entities will consider include:
- Damage to the cars.
- Statements from each driver.
- Police reports.
- Photographs of the accident.
- Medical records.
- Weather and road conditions.
- Witness statements.
Stepping Outside of The No-Fault System
As previously mentioned, New York is a no-fault state. New York relies on the comparative negligence law for determining fault when you are pursuing a personal injury claim outside of this system. If you suffer an injury following an auto accident, you can recover an amount based on your proportionate level of fault under the comparative negligence law. Also, if the other driver was completely to blame for the accident, they would be responsible for lost wages, medical expenses, and any other significant losses you may have suffered through their insurance provider. If you were partially at fault for the accident, you could be awarded compensation based on a percentage proportionate to your share of the blame. The court may determine the percentage of fault by looking at all circumstances surrounding the incident. Some of the factors that can be examined include:
- Weather conditions.
- Speed limits
- If the driver was using their cell phone.
- Traffic control devices.
Comparative negligence laws can guide insurance claims adjusters as they evaluate your case, and adjusters will make their decision based on what is determined in court. If you’ve been injured or suffered severe damages, you should not let anything stop you from pursuing your case. It can be a challenge to pursue your claim on your own, but having a melville truck accident attorney today for your injuries! By your side can help make this process smoother. Our team will carefully evaluate your situation, determine the best course of action, and fight aggressively for you to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
Contact Us | Melville Truck Accident Attorney
The process of a car accident lawsuit can be highly complex, so it’s crucial to work with a dedicated melville truck accident attorney today for your injuries! to yield the best results. While minor accidents are usually settled outside of court, if you or a loved one has suffered severe damage, you should not hesitate to pursue a claim. At Mandler & Sieger, LLP, our experienced and compassionate attorneys will assess your case to guide you towards a favorable outcome. To learn more about your legal options or to schedule a consultation, contact our office today!
Frequently Asked Questions By Clients In A Motor Vehicle Accident Case?

Will The Insurance Company Cover My Doctor and Hospital Bills If I Am In a Motor Vehicle Accident?
Yes, under the New York State No-Fault Insurance Law, if you are injured in a motor vehicle accident, you are entitled to no-fault benefits that will cover all of your accident-related hospital and doctor bills, as well as other miscellaneous expenses. Such bills will be covered regardless of who caused the accident. At Mandler & Sieger, LLP we will file and process your no-fault application.
All hospitals and most doctors accept, no-fault as a direct means of payment. They must do so subject to the no-fault pay rate schedule. Doctors are not permitted to charge you an additional fee once they have accepted an “assignment” of your no-fault benefits. In some instances, worker’s compensation insurance takes the place of no-fault insurance. Please contact our office with your questions and the details of your accident and we will provide you with the right answers.
Will No-Fault Insurance Cover My Lost Wages While I’m Out of Work?
Yes, in most cases no-fault insurance will cover your lost wages. There are many applications and forms that need to be processed before you can receive compensation. Please contact our office with your questions and the details of your accident and we will provide you with the right answers.
Who Will Pay For The Damage To My Car?
It all depends on who is at fault. If the driver of the other vehicle is 100% at fault their insurance company is legally responsible to pay for your property damage. No two accidents are exactly the same. Please contact our office with your questions and the details of your accident and we will provide you with the right answers.
Am I Entitled To a Rental Car?
Depending on the circumstances you may even have a choice of insurance companies that will pay for your rental car. Please contact us with your questions and the details of your accident and we will provide you with the right answers.
Will The Insurance Company Pays For My Medication and Additional Medical Equipment or Devices?
Yes no-fault will pay for your medication and medical equipment, but certain limitations will apply. Approved medications, orthopedic, devices and medical equipment prescribed by your doctor are generally covered by no-fault insurance. The insurance company will require receipts for any such items that you purchase on your own. Please contact us with your questions and the details of your accident and we will provide you with the right answers.
What Else Does No-Fault Insurance Cover?
No-fault insurance will also cover any household assistance you may need and reimbursement for your transportation costs (taxi, bus, train, subway) to the doctor. If you are using private transportation you must complete and submit a mileage form indicating the name of the doctor you visited, dates of treatment, and round trip mileage. Please contact us with your questions and the details of your accident and we will provide you with the right answers.
What Will Mandler & Sieger Do For Me Regarding My No-Fault Claim?
Remember, no-fault is a law. There are many time limits and restrictions, and a great deal of paperwork is involved. The lawyers at Mandler & Sieger, LLP are qualified to assist you with the application and the processing of your no-fault claim. To answer any questions you may have regarding your no-fault benefits. Please feel free to contact us by calling (631) 424 – 2525. Also, send us an email at mandlersiegerllp@gmail.com to address your specific needs and concerns.